A Celebration of One Hundred Years of Mission and Ministry to Annadale, Staten Island, and Beyond

Join us Sundays at 10am in person or LIVE on YouTube for

Worship and Prayer

We of Messiah Lutheran Value Worship that Nurtures People’s Faith, the Incorporation of New Members into the Congregation and the Deepening of People’s Relationship with God and addressing Social Concerns (Helping Those in Need).

Another year draws to a close, Creator God.The minutes tick away in lives lived and in hopes spoken. How good it is to know that your words are eternal. Another year beckons us on, God, calls us towards it in a jumble of anticipation and fear. How good it is to know that your presence is a reality. Again we come, God, to this place of sanctuary to make sense of our past and our future. How good it is to know that your promises are everlasting. For you have come among us as only you could, announcing your colourful intentions from a dull and hostile stable; promising the world to the poor and ignorant; asking for trouble with your talk of peace. Inviting the world to start over. It is our time to start over, God. Not just with new calendars and well-intentioned resolutions. It is time to start over with you. The Bethlehem babe is only a week old, yet already the bright wrappings and trappings of Christmas have started to fade. Angels’ voices are a distant echo, shepherds are back in their fields, wise men have set off on new adventures and we are relieved it’s all over for another year.  

Forgive our haste to leave that dirty stable for somewhere more comfortable;
forgive our reluctance to kneel down in the dirtand look the Christ child in the face a little longer. Forgive our need to move on with the busyness of life instead of lingering a while with him. Forgive our inability to forgive ourselves as he reaches out his arms in acceptance. Forgive us our past, God, renew our present and affirm our future, touched by your grace. 

  It is our time to start over, God, and we commit ourselves to that now.
Make your home in the soiled stables of our hearts; speak your truth in the ordinariness of our lives and fulfil your promise in your coming among us again and again and again so that all may start again with you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Pastor Anna Gordy


We now accept Zelle as a form of  giving.it is linked to our email messiahlutheransi@gmail.com

Contemplative Prayer

Prayer Group gathers for prayer at 6:30 pm in front of the Altar.
All are welcome to join our prayer

Come Join Us at WELCA!

January 28th 1:00 pm in the Church Hall The speaker will be Pastor Anna Gordy.