A Short History of Messiah Lutheran Church On the Celebration of Our 100th Anniversary

 was largely through the efforts of Reverend F. Nordstrom of Wasa Lutheran Church in Port Richmond and a small group of seventeen individuals in the town of Annadale, That Messiah became a reality. From her small beginning, Messiah Lutheran Church has been a symbol of the eternal verities
of God. She has made the word of God known to the souls weary of the noise and the uproar of the big city and they have heard the still, small voice speaking peace and courage to them. She has pointed them to the Savior who has delivered them from sin into a new life of love and good works.

The first permanent site was purchased on Fabian Street. Ground breaking for the new church took place on January 20, 1924 by Rev. Nordstrom. The cornerstone was laid on May 4, 1924 and the church as dedicated on October 7, 1924. In seven years Pastor Nordstrom had realized his dream and
seen the young church off to a strong beginning. He left the mission in the hands of Pastor Carl Bostrom of Wasa Lutheran Church in 1924.

On February 2, 1928, a motion was made and passed that the church seek a more centrally located sitefor the new church. After much consideration, the congregation voted to purchase the property on which Messiah now stands. On June 29, 1929 Pastor David L. Ostergren arrived. Ground for the new church as broken on July 13, 1930, the cornerstone was laid November 2, 1930 and the church dedicated December 6, 1931.

According to early records, the Boy Scout Troop 8, was officially chartered and sponsored by our church when the building was completed in 1931. We have a long history of involvement with this Boy Scout troop as well as Cub Scouts, Explorers, Girl Scouts and Brownies. Several groups still meet at Messiah today and help maintain our church.

During the economic depression, which followed immediately upon the building of the new church, Pastor Ostergren held the congregation together. He left our congregation on December 3, 1940 after serving Messiah for 11 years.

Reverend Clarence Carlson, Pastor of Wasa Lutheran Church, served our church faithfully as Vice-Pastor for 11 months as interim pastor until Pastor Gustavson’s arrival.

On November 9, 1941 Reverend Eric J. Gustavson arrived to be our next Pastor. During his stay great financial progress was made. He remained with us until the fall of 1944. In July of 1945, Reverend Donald Kent answered the call to Messiah. It was during his stay that our first parsonage was secured.
April of 1950, welcomed the arrival of Reverend J.Nordgren. He was instrumental in the building of our present parsonage. He left and became Administrator of Seaman’s Society in Manhttan.

On February 22, 1953, Reverend Jack Sersig began his ministry here in Staten Island. In the six years of his service, youth work reached new heights. It was Pastor Sersig who first held two Sunday Services. Pastor Sersig left Messiah in October of 1958.

On May 17, 1959 Reverend Frederick Erson became the new pastor. A Memorial Fund was established to provide means whereby people could make a gift to the church in memory of a deceased loved one.

On January 3, 1964 following Pastor Erson’s resignation, the previous year, Pastor John Heller came to Messiah to begin his pastorate. Also in 1964, Mr. Raymond Kvande, who had served as our part time minster, since 1962, resigned to be ordained. Mr. Phillip Erlander took his place a part time
assistant for two years.

In 1972 a Leisure Time Ministry program for Senior Citizens was organized. Another community-oriented program was established in 1972 with the beginning of Messiah Nursery School.

Six young men from Messiah have been ordained into the ministry: Raymond Kvande, Richard Solberg, Charles Eiss, Richard Gilbert, Thomas Omholt, Eric Anderson. The congregation, under the pastoral guidance of Pastor Heller, mentored third year seminarian students from the Lutheran School
of Theology in Chicago: Jim Schmeltzer, Barry Hawkins, Lynn Erstsgaard, Jim Freichs, Frank Hanrahan, Randy Rottmann and George Detweiler,
In 1975, Pastor Heller accepted a call from St. John’s Lutheran Church in Poughkeepsie. In December, 1975, Lloyd Berg accepted our call and served until spring of 1977 when he accepted a call from Lutheran Community Services.

November of 1977 Pastor Paul Kroon began his pastorate at Messiah. During these years, renovations on the church entrance and improvements in Messiah Center were completed. He guided and extended the involvement with Messiah in the community. The Paul Kroon Center was dedicated on October 18, 1987 in memory of Pastor Kroon who served as our Shepherd (1977-1987).

Pastor Lyle Guttu served as our Vice-Pastor until 1988 when our current Pastor, Garry Squire been and continues his ministry with us.
Pastor Kroon established an “Island Sanctuary”. Pastor Squire helped us to continue this program. We have sponsored four families of refugees to abide with us over the years.

Pastor Squire has helped us with our Nursery School, and community involvement by sponsoring Mom’s and Tot’s, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Leisure Time Ministry, and the Martha Mary Society. Messiah continues to serve members with Sunday School, Choir, W.E.L.C.A. and Bible
Study. Several Groups used and some still use our church facilities as a home and resource such as The Annadale Garden Club, the Staten Island Herb Society, the Philatelic Society, AA and Al-Anon. Right now Messiah sponsors 7 AA groups.

We continue to provide support for many community outreach programs such as the Seaman’s Society, food pantries, school and seaman’s backpacks, Village of Hope in Haiti, and have given to several families hit with individual disasters. We have generously given to Lutheran Disaster Relief to aid in
recovery from natural disasters.

After many years of fund-raisers and gifts we were finally able to install a lift allowing access for those who are handicapped, to our sanctuary. It has been a wonderful addition to our home.

During the terrible times of the pandemic, starting in 2019, we closed for a few awhile. Pastor Squire and Jason Recevuto were able to broadcast a service on Facebook reaching our members and friends with spiritual support. Jason Recevuto became our Minister of Media as we expanded our early
attempts media centered worship into full production of weekly worship to the live streaming the service on our You-Tube. We were able to reopen, after a deep cleaning of our premises following the guidelines of the CDC and NYC Board of Health. We continue to stream the service each week for those who cannot attend in person, thanks to our video team.

We continue using new technologies to hold some committee meetings, and bible studies so all may attend from the comfort of their homes.
One Hundred Years! From Fabian Street to Jefferson Blvd., from Pastor Nordstrom to Pastor Squire, from 1923 to 2023, 100 years have passed in the life of the church. One hundred years transcribed in the decisions of hundreds of singular lives. The faces, the names, the personalities that animate an idea, that carry a faith that manifest each personal interpretation of one Theme—These make a church!

Happy 100th Anniversary Messiah!