Dates for Upcoming Meetings: 

May 27th 1:00 pm in the Church Hall. The speaker will be Ann Marie Gentile of Anguili & Gentile. Her program will be on estate planning. W.E.L.C.A would like to extend the invitation to the entire congregation.

Meetings begin at 1:00pm and until further notice they will be held in the assembly room of the church.



Through various program areas, Women of the ELCA’s community of women provide services in their churches, communities, and even the world.

WELCA membership includes all women of Messiah Lutheran Church.  We meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month usually in the Kroon Center.

Our monthly programs of varied and interesting topics, continue to be the solid core of our group meetings, providing inspiration and Christian growth for all who participate.  We enjoy the fellowship that WELCA provides as well, enabling us to love, support and care for each other as Christian women and reach out to God’s people.

Our Fellowship throughout the meeting comes to a pleasant end with refreshments.

The members of WELCA participate in many other aspects of our church.  We support Messiah and the Church at large as well as our community on Staten Island and beyond.  We have an exciting ministry because of the Kathryn Barton Fund.  We are able to support local charities, reach out to victims of hurricanes, fires and tornadoes throughout our country and provide funds and supplies for searchers through the Christmas at Sea annual drive.  Internationally we have helped build wells in Haiti and Africa, supported the ELCA Malaria Campaign and supported medical missions in Haiti and Ecuador.  Through the Kathryn Barton Fund we have generously supported projects at Messiah such as the Lift Fund and the Organ Fund.  


As always we begin with devotions and a business meeting. We follow the guidance of the Congregation’s Best Practices for Keeping Each Other Safe and Healthy so don’t forget your masks and to keeping physically distant during the meeting.

WELCA Officers:

Doris Tierney,   President

Barbara Klingele,   Vice-President

Marilyn Lavin,   Vice President

Paula West Mejia,   Vice President

Sylvia Hancock,   Secretary

Edith Ecklund,   Treasurer

For More Information

To find out more about the WELCA (Woman of the ELCA)